Search Engine Marketing: Google’s smart play


Search Engine Marketing: Google’s smart play : Achieving efficiency is hard when it comes to marketing, but search engine marketing has long been one of the best marketing tools in terms of ROI. Search engine marketing is so successful because it reaches people who are looking to buy a product or service. If you search for red jeans, for example, odds are that you want to buy red jeans. An ad about red jeans will result in you making a

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The Importance of Business Analysts

business analysts

Importance of Business Analysts – You may have noticed that there has been a boom in the number of business analysts positions available in the market. There was even a time when business analysts were people working in consultation firms and investment banks – you barely ever found them in corporations. They were present in some of the biggest companies in the world, but were non-existent in small and medium sized enterprises. This has completely changed in the past few

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The Art of Social Media Marketing

social media marketing

Social media marketing is finally being taken with the seriousness that it has always deserved, which has resulted in an interesting fragmentation of the work. Companies are starting to realize that technical efficiency in social media marketing is a completely different beast than artistic skills. Social media marketing is taken as one job right now, but we are going towards a future where there will be a social media manager, and a social media artist, both working together to run

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Why Jenkins is a great tool for DevOps


Why Jenkins is a great tool for DevOps ? Continuous integration is a software development practice where team members integrate their work frequently (at least once a day, although multiple daily integrations are usually done). This is a fantastic idea in the DevOps context, which is why Jenkins is an important tool for companies focusing on DevOps. Each integration is verified by compiling the source code and obtaining an executable (this is called build, and must be done in an

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How Puppet helps DevOps ?


Does your company spend more time fixing machine configuration problems and repeatable tasks, than thinking about strategies to improve and bring more value to the customer? What if one of the reasons that your company can not move to production more quickly is because of problems of this type? And what if it becomes chaotic to pass a change in the local database on to production? Or in fact… have you heard about problems that in development, in my environment,

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