Supply Chain leaders! It’s time to turn focus on business analytics

supply chain

It’s raining Data An explosion of information is the defining feature of today’s information technology-driven world. An enormous amount of data is generated from multiple sources, such as business interactions, transactions, social networking and sensors. Often in unstructured forms, the data continues to grow exponentially. This massive amount of data, referred to as big data, becomes useless if it is not sorted, analyzed, and used in businesses for decision-making and predicting trends for business growth. ‘Big Data’, ‘Real-time Data’, ‘Smart

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How a business analyst helps to grow the business?

business analyst helps to grow the business

How a business analyst helps to grow the business : How a business analyst helps to grow the business – Today all most all modern business organizations are using well-developed technique as well as the technology of business analytics, by which they can deal with huge amount of data. This is extremely effective to set up a logical benefit through getting perfect information. You can use this to your advantage and it will really become the most powerful business strategy.

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