Spring Training



Spring, Spring Boot and Microservices Training Syllabus and Information.

About Microservices

Microservices is an architectural style which says decompose big applications into smaller services subsequently communicate those services either synchronously or asynchronously. The microservices projects are developed by using Spring Boot. The Spring Boot has been built on top of Spring Framework and provides Starters, Autoconfiguration, Embedded servers and Actuators features. These boot features help to reduce project code.

Spring Basics

spring training : This module is the core of the Spring Framework. It provides implementation for features like IOC (Inversion of Control) and Dependency Injection with singleton design pattern.

What is Spring Framework

Inversion of Control

Dependency Injection

Bean Factory

Developing First Spring Application

Built-in Bean Factories

This module provides implementation for the factory design pattern through BeanFactory, and we will learn implementation of ApplicationConext.

Application Context

Wiring Beans

Bean Lifecycle in Container

Spring Events

Spring AOP

In this module we will learn by separating application business logic from system services, Spring Framework supports Aspect Oriented Programming and enables cohesive development.

Introduction to AOP

Role of AOP in Spring

AOP Advice

AOP Pointcuts

Spring AOP Introductions


Spring Data Access

This module provides JDBC abstraction layer which eliminates the need of repetitive and unnecessary exception handling code.

JDBC Abstraction Layer

Data Access Exceptions

DAO Support

Spring O-R Mapping

ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping. This module provides consistency/ portability to our code regardless of data access technologies based on object oriented mapping concept.

What is O-R Mapping

O-R Mapping support in Spring

Hibernate Support / Mapping

Spring Transaction Management

This module supports programmatic and declarative transaction management for classes that implement special interfaces and for all your POJOs. All the enterprise level transaction implementation concepts can be implemented in Spring by using this module.

Transaction Abstraction in Spring

Transaction Strategies

Programmatic Transaction

Declarative Transaction

Spring Remoting and Enterprise Services

In this module we will learn how spring Remoting will be implemented by following RMI and various remoting technique.

Introduction to Spring Remoting

Java RMI in Spring

Accessing JNDI

Invoking EJB from Spring

Web Service in Spring using JAX-RPC Support

Messaging Support in Spring using JMS

Sending Mail with Spring Mail

Scheduling using Timer Support

Spring Web MVC Framework

This module contains Model-View-Controller (MVC) based implementation for web applications. It provides all other features of MVC, including UI tags and data validations. Web MVC Architecture

Role of DispatcherServlet



View Resolving

Data Binding

File Upload Support

Securing Spring Applications

In this module we will learn how spring security will be implemented by HTTP basic authentication and following concept.

Acegi Security System for Spring


Access Control

Web Application Security

Method Invocation Security

Spring Boot

Auto Configuration
Embedded server
Spring MVC with Boot
Spring Booting basic RESTful Web service
Spring Boot skeletal Application example
Externalized configuration
Fat Jar with Embedded Server
War with external Server

pring JPA

Local EntityManager FactoryBean
Local Container EntityManager FactoryBean

Spring MicroServices

  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Characteristics
  • Benefits
  • Ecosystem
  • Relationship with SOA
  • Microservice usecases
  • Microservices with boot

Designing Microservices

Identifying Microservices boundaries
Synchronous Communication
Asynchronous Communication
Challenges of Microservices
Microservices Capability model

Spring REST Services

  • What is REST?
  • Restful Controllers
  • Content Negotiation
  • JSON and XML Data Exchange
  • Restful Clients using RestTemplate
  • JPA Repositories with Hibernate Provider
  • Spring Data Rest, Exposing Endpoints

Spring Messaging

  • ActiveMQ/RabbitMQ


  • Spring Tool Suite(STS)
  • Rabbit MQ Server
  • Maven
  • GIT
  • Spring Boot

Interview Questions

Spring Training Prerequisites :

Knowledge in Core Java and Advanced JAVA helpful.

Duration & Timings : USA

Duration – 40 Hours.

Training Type: Online Live Interactive Session.

Faculty: Experienced.

Weekday Session – Mon – Thus  8:30 PM to 10:30 PM (EST) – 5 Weeks. January 6, 2025.

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