Scratch and Python Programming for Kids




The following topics will be covered in Scratch Programming for Kids

Class 1 – Introduction to scratch. Simple Introduction programs, Concept of variables, Input Output

Class 2 – Animation and backgrounds in scratch – running some simple animations

Class 3 – Creating simple games in scratch

Class 4 –  If then else statements in Scratch Programs using If then else

Class 5 – Repeat and Repeat until loops in Scratch

Class 6 – Computer Logic : Simple Mathematical Programs – Factors, Prime numbers

Class 7 – Computer Logic: Simple Mathematical Programs – Sum of n natural numbers, Day of the year

Class 8 – Computer Logic: Simple Mathematical Programs – Even Odd, Leap Year

Class 9 – Computer Logic: Simple Mathematical Programs – Area of Square, Rectangle, Circle

Class 10 – Graphical Calculator Program.

Class 11 –  Introduction to Lists

Class 12  – Programs using lists, String Processing

Class 13 –   String and Sentence Processing – Reversing a string, Anagrams

Class 14 –   Mini Project

Class 15 –   Mini Project

The following topics will be covered in Python Programming for Kids

Class 1 – Introduction to Python and Python programming Environment

Class 2 – Basic Python commands like print, input etc. Concept of variables and Operators

Class 3 – Control Statements. If then else

Class 4 – While Loops

Class 5 – Arithmetic Programs like Even/Odd, Prime Number

Class 6 – Arithmetic Programs like Fibonacci Numbers, Armstrong Numers

Class 7 – Lists in Python

Class 8 – Advanced Input/Output in Python

Class 9 –  String Processing in Python.

Class 10 –  Programs related to Strings – Anagrams, Pangrams etc.

Class 11 – Dictionaries in Python

Class 12 – Programs using Dictionaries – Implementing Case statement

Class 13 – Graphics programming  using Python

Class 14 – File I/O in python

Class 15-17  –  Mini Project in Python

Key Features:

Training Type: Online Live Interactive Session.
Experienced Faculty.
1 ON 1 Sessions.
Duration 30 Hours.
Access to Class Recordings.
Weekday / Weekend Classes.


Evening Schedule:

3 Days / Week
8:30 PM – 9:30 PM EST
9:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST
9:30 PM – 10:30 PM EST
10:00 PM – 11:00 PM EST


Morning Schedule:

3 Days / Week
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM EST
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM EST



Please contact us, If you are looking for different schedule or need more information.

Phone : 1+ 734 418 2465

Email :

 Inquiry Now 

USA: +1 734 418 2465 | India: +91 40 4018 1306

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