MERN Stack Training




What is MERN Stack?

MERN stands for MongoDB, Express JS, React JS, Node JS, these four key technologies that make up the stack.

MongoDB — document database

Express(.js) — Node.js web framework

React(.js) — a client-side JavaScript framework

Node(.js) — the premier JavaScript web server

MERN Stack is a collection of robust and powerful technologies, allows to develop highly scalable three-tier architecture (front end, back end, database) entirely using JavaScript and JSON with minimal efforts.

Why MERN Stack?

Easy and quickly Learn and develop software industry required full stack applications.

As its Open Source we can develop Efficient, highly scalable Cost-Effective Solution.

Good documentation and examples.

Backed up by a large community support for technical knowledge and developmental issues.

Many Prominent Companies Rely on the MERN Stack to develop high quality, Secure and Scalable web applications.

E.g. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Netflix, dropbox etc.

Outcome of the Course:

Understanding the Full web application life cycle.

Advance Knowledge in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.

Mastering the UI Layer (React JS), API Layer (Express JS and Node JS) and DB Layer (Mongo DB) with Industry leading MERN technologies.

This Program helps to gain the right skills required for top companies.

Know How to identify, debug the web application performance issues.

Build real-world simulated web application.

Who can attend this course:

Any Individual/Students/IT Professionals who wants to pursue and excel their career in Information Technology can opt for this course. Others who have a passion to enhance their knowledge on how the latest web technologies are working and expand their business growth by using MERN Technologies.

Job Market Demand MERN STACK Developer or Programmer  

The average MERN Stack Developer salary in the USA is $117,250 per year. Entry level positions start at $87,500 per year while most experienced workers make up to $146,250 per year.

Overall employment of web developers and digital designers is projected to grow 23 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. (US U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics) .

The following topics will be covered as part of MERN Stack Training.

Module 1: Web Development

What is Web Development, what is MERN Stack?


Module 2: HTML, CSS and Bootstrap


Introduction to HTML

HTML Elements, Attributes

Page Creation with Formatting Elements

Creating Links and Navigating, Redirecting Pages

Displaying the Images, Adjustment of Images along with


Organizing data with Tables

Displaying data in Listings

Creating Forms and Layouts with Fields and Input

Implementing the Semantic Elements (latest HTML elements)

Working with Audio and Video (Media Objects)


Introduction to CSS

Implementing the Three Different ways of Styles: Inline,

Embedded and External to HTML Content

Applying the Web Colors to HTML Content in Three Different

ways: Direct Name, Numerical, and Hexadecimal

Applying different properties like: padding, margin, float, font,

border, background, etc.,

Applying the Display and Position properties, etc.,

Creating the Web Page with Content

Creating the Grid Layout with Sample Content with Responsive

Working with Media Queries


Introduction to Bootstrap, Usage, Advantages

Discussing about different types of Resolutions

Implementing the Bootstrap Required Links into Web Pages

Create the Fixed Width, Fluid Width Web Pages

Implementing the Components of Bootstrap:

Tables, Lists, Forms, Images,

Modals, Tabs, Cards, Navigations

Module 3: JavaScript and ECMAScript


Introduction about JavaScript, DOM etc?

Writing the Programs and Displaying the Data

Understanding about Keywords, Identifiers

Declarations: var, let, const

Implementing Statements: Decision Making Statements and

Loop Statements

Working with Arrays and Implementing with Examples

Understanding the Concept of Functions: Call and Define,

Functions with Parameters, Return Statement, Arrow Functions,

Call Back Functions

Implementing the Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript:

What is Object, Class, Constructor, Method, Property etc., and

its terminology

Creating the concept with Class and Object includes the

Methods, Properties, and Accessing the Data

Prototype, Closures concepts implementation

Promise, and Async and Await concepts implementation


ECMAScript Introduction

Declarations of Identifiers with let & const

Working with Loops

Functions, Passing Parameters, Return Statement, Arrow

Functions, Call Back Functions

Spread Operators

Map Object with Set and Get

Promise, Async and Await with Promise

Module 4: React JS

React JS Introduction

Scope of React JS

What is React JS?

Understanding the Terminology of React JS

What is Single Page Application?

Understanding the React JS Architecture

Setting up the React JS Environment

Creating the First Project in React JS

Understanding the Project Folder & Files Structure

Working with assets – HTML, CSS, Images, JavaScript in React JS

Understanding the Term: Component.

What is Component?

Creating the new Component(s)

Accessing the Created Component(s)

Working with Re-Usable Component(s)

React Fragments

Understanding the Terms: ‘props and ‘state’

Working with ‘props’

Implementing the ‘props’ into Component(s)

Creating the ‘state’ object, setting the ‘properties’ into it

Accessing the ‘properties’ from ‘state’ object into Components

Working with Event Handlers ex., onClick, onHover, onBlur,

onFocus, onChange etc.,

Conditional Rendering

Lists and Keys in React JS

Composition Vs Inheritance

Higher Order Components

Type checking with Prop Types

Creating the methods into Component(s)

Writing the definition(s) of the methods

Passing ‘parameters’ into methods

Understanding the concept of Property Binding

Two types of Property Binding., 1. One Way Property Binding

and 2. Two Way Property Binding

Asking the User to input the value, accessing those value(s)

Creating the group of Component(s) and accessing those

through ‘state’ object

Creating the CRUD operations

Understanding the concept of Routing

Creating the group of Component(s) and aligning them into


Error Boundaries

Introduction to progressive WebApps

Progressive WebApps with React

React with TypeScript

Fetching the Data from RESTAPI into Component(s) and

accessing the Data

Understanding and Working with Material UI (React JS UI


Creating the Button, Radio, Form, Table etc.,

Working with Form, Two – Way Property Binding

Creating the Validation with Error Hints,

Applying the Regular Expressions to Input Fields

Working with the concept of Observables

Working with the concept of Services

Implementing the concept of Observables & Subscribe with


Implementing the concept of Observables & Subscribe with

Services using RESTAPI

Understanding the Terms: babel, webpack

Understanding the concept of Redux

Understanding the Terms: Component, Action, Reducer, Data


Understanding and implementing the concept of Redux

Introduction to middleware and need of middle ware in React JS

Understanding the Term: Saga

Implementing the functionality of Redux with Saga

Understanding the Terms: Life Cycle Hooks

What is the usage of Life Cycle Hooks

How many types of Life Cycle Hooks: 1. Class Based Life Cycle

Hooks and 2. Functional Based Life Cycle Hooks

Understanding the Class Based Life Cycle Hooks and its

methods: componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(),

componentWillUnmount() etc.,

Understanding the Functional Based Life Cycly Hooks and its

methods: useState(), useEffect(), useContext(), etc.,

Understanding the concept of Styled Components

Working with React JS Developer Tools

Implementing the concept of ContextAPI

Understand and Implementing the Unit Tests in React JS

Creating the Single Page Application in React JS

Introduction to Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Implementing Server-Side Rendering in React JS

Module 5: Node JS and Express JS

Node JS

Introduction to Node JS

What is Node JS? Advantages of Node JS

Traditional Web Server Model

Node JS Process Model

Setup Dev., Environment

Install Node JS on Windows, Mac and Linux

Working with REPL

Node JS Console

Node JS Modules




Module Types

Core Modules

Local Modules


Node Package Manager

What is NPM?

Installing Packages Locally

Adding Dependency in package.json

Installing packages globally

Updating packages

Creating Web Server

Creating Web Server

Handling Http Requests

Sending Requests

File System

Reading a File Asynchronously / Synchronously

Writing a File Asynchronously / Synchronously

Opening a File

Deleting a File

IO Operations

Debugging Node JS Application

Core Node JS Debugger

Debugging with Visual Studio Code


EventEmitter Class

Returning EventEmitter

Inhering Events

Express JS

Introduction to Express JS

Env., Setup of Express JS

Creating a Sample Program in Express JS

Creating a Static Routing & Dynamic Routing

Working with HTTP Methods

Creating the URL Building

Using Middleware Functions

Creating a Templating

Working with Static Files

Parsing Form Data

Parsing & Fetching & Connecting with Database

Cookies & Sessions


Restful Api’s


Error Handling


Module 6: MongoDB

Introduction to MongoDB

Differences between SQL vs NoSQL

Features & Advantages of MongoDB

Installing MongoDB along with Compass

Understanding the Terminology: Database, Collection,

Document, etc.,

Commands in MongoDB

Creating Database, Drop Database

Creating Collection, Drop Collection

Insert, Update, Delete the Documents

Writing Conditions while Retrieving, Updating the Documents

Data Aggregation

$match, $project, $group, $unwind, $sort, $limit, $set, $lookup

$count, $distinct,

Working with Indexes, Types of Indexes

Module 7: Creating the Project with MERN Stack


Basic Computer Knowledge.

Duration & Timings :

Total Hours – 100 Hours.

Training Type: Online Live Interactive Session.

Faculty: Experienced.

Access to Class Recordings.

Weekday Evening Schedule:

Start Date : Monday, February 3,2025. 

Duration: 13 – 15 Weeks

Days: MON – THU (4 Days/ Week)

Time – 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM (EST) 


 Inquiry Now 

USA: +1 734 418 2465 | India: +91 40 4018 1306


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