.NET Full Stack Training




What do you mean by full stack developer ?

A person who is capable of involve in end to end of an end to end of an enterprise application development. That is, designing appearance of the pages, writing the code that implements the functionality of the application, programming the database or the back-end.  Literally a full stack developer  can handle every thing in the process of programming the application.


What is Dotnet full stack?

.Net is a comprehensive and yet an open source development platform provided by  Microsoft for building many different types of applications.  .Net provides full stack development approach by providing strong , flexible stack of technologies for satisfying different development requirements.  The .Net sack contains Langauages like C # , J# , VB.net. Other technologies like  Winforms, ADO.net, ASP.net. It provides frameworks like ASP.net MVC for developing web applications based on MVC design pattern.  Entity Framework for ORM operations. It even provides ASP.net WEB API for developing microservices in .net platform.


Why Dotnet platform?

.Net is a well established platform world wide for developing various types of application.  It is highly saleable meaning it can be used for developing small projects to large enterprise applications.  Since .Net has become a cross platform implementation it can be used to develop applications on/for multiple OS platforms.  The .Net platform makes the developers’ life easy by providing one of the most powerful development environment ‘Visual Studio IDE’. And not the least it is  one of the most popular and widely used development platform.  The demand for .net developers is increasing because many companies tend the  use it for their products and services


What are the skills required by .net full stack developer?

The following re the reqirements for a .net full stack developer:

In-depth knowledge on C# concepts and features

Window Forms



Web forms



LINQ – Language Integrated Query

Entity Framework

Client side standards like HTML, CSS and Javascript

Commonly used design patterns in application development


Who can attend this course?

Any body who wants to be a full stack developer on .net platform.

A non-programmer who wants to become a .net full stack developer can join the course.

Students from any discipline of education who really want to become a successful IT professional.

Employee who want to learn new things and switch over their career to IT.


What is the outcome of the course?

One can get a thorough and clear knowledge on all the concepts that is required for a  .Net full stack developer, be confident enough to face any job interview, get hands-on experience through series of task provided during the course of the training session.  Get the knowledge on  project  development.

The following topics will be covered as part of .NET Full Stack Training.

.NET Framework Introduction

Types of applications
Architecture of .net
Layers and components of .NET
Features of .NET
Versions of .NET
Execution in .NET

C Sharp

Introduction to C#
Data Types and Wrapper classes
Operators in C#
Control Structure
Sample Logical Programs in Console Application

C# - Arrays

Arrays and its types
Logical Programs using Arrays

C# - Strings

String and its functions in C#
StringBuffer, StringBuilder classes
Logical programs for string manipulations


Introduction to OOPS
Classes and Objects , constructor and its types, destructor
Data Abstraction
Data Encapsulation
Inheritance and its types
Polymorphism and its types, interface
Focus on Solid Principles
.Net Coding Standards

C# - WinForms

Basic Controls in Windows forms and how to use it.
Using Events to handle user actions
Building simple applications using WinForms

C# - Exception handling

Exception handling, Exception and Its types
Try , catch and finally
Creating and throwing exceptions

C# - I/O Streams

System.IO namespace
FileStream class and its methods.
Reading and writing data in files

C# - Collections

Arraylist , List, Hashtable, Dictionary
Generic colletion
Attributes and reflections, Delegates and events in C#


Introduction to database , RDBMS, SQL
Joins and Subquery
Stored pocedures


Difference between ADO and ADO.NET
Connected and Disconnected Architecture of ADO.NET
Data providers in ADO.NET
Connection Command
DataAdapter, DataSet
SQL Injection

Web Application Development

Introducion, Common concents of the web(web page , web server , Dynamic and static pages)
using HTML forms
Introduction to CSS, Enancing the html pages using CSS
Inline , Internal and external CSS
Introduction to Javascript
Form validation using Javascript


Introduction to ASP.NET, Architecture of ASP.NET
Life cycle events of ASP.NET Webpage, Web server- IIS, Post back.
Web form controls, Validation controls
View state,Control state,Cookies, Hidden Field,Query string,Session, Application
Authentication and Authorization and its types
Caching and its types, Tracing and its types, Master Page


Difference between ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC
Understanding ASP.NET MVC,Model, View and Controller
Life cycle of MVC and execution and its Features
Action Filters
Layouts and Partial View
HTML helpers
Model Binders
Data Annotations and validations
State management in MVC- View Bag,View Data, Temp Data,session
Razor view and ASPX View
Entity Framework – Code First,Data first, Model first, Entity Framework with LINQ
Grid – CRUD operations

.NET core

.NET core framework Architecture, comparison with .net and .net core
Features of .NET Core
ASP.NET Core Features, comparison with asp.net and asp.net core
Build simple application using ASP.NET core framework
Web API in ASP.NET core
DataAccess with Entity Framework6 in ASP.NET core

Duration & Timings :

Total Hours – 100 Hours.

Training Type: Online Live Interactive Session.

Faculty: Experienced.

Access to Class Recordings.

Weekday Evening Schedule:

Start Date :Monday, February 3,2025.

Duration: 13 – 15 Weeks

Days: MON – THU (4 Days/ Week)

Time – 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM (EST) 


 Inquiry Now 

USA: +1 734 418 2465 | India: +91 40 4018 1306


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