C Programming Training




C Language Introduction

C language Introduction – History and Features of C



Generation of Languages

Basics of C-Language

The ‘C’ Character Set

‘C’ Keywords and delimiters

Identifiers and Rules of Identifiers



Declaration of Variables

Initialization of variables

Basic Data types

Basics of C-Programming

C program structure

Execution of ‘C’ program

Basic Input and Output Functions


get char() & put char() functions.

gets() & puts() functions.

scanf() & printf() functions.

C Operators and Expressions


Arithmetic operators

Assignment operators

Relational operators

Logical operators

Bit wise operators

Conditional operators (ternary operators)

Increment/decrement operators

Special operators

Branch Control Statements



Nested if-else

If-else ladder

Switch case statement

Loop Control Statements

For loop

While loop

Do … while loop

Break and continue statements

Nested Loops


What are strings?

Declaration and Initialization of Strings

String I/O

gets() and puts()

String Manipulation Functions


What is an array?

Declaration of an Array

Initialization of an Array

Accessing elements of an Array

Types of Arrays

Single Dimensional Arrays

Two Dimensional Arrays


What is a pointer?

Declaration of a pointer Variable

Initialization of a pointer Variable

Using pointer Variables

Pointer Arithmetic

Pointers to pointers

Array of Pointers

Pointer to an Array

Passing an Array to a function

Functions returning a Pointer Variable

Pointer with Structures

Dynamic memory


What is Function

Types of Functions

Declaration of a Function

Definition of a Function

Calling a Function

Passing Parameters or Arguments to a function

Call by value and call by referencev

Functions with Return Values

Function with arrays

Function with Strings

Nested Functions

Recursive Functions

Storage Classes






Structures and Unions

Introduction to Structures

Declaration of Structures

Structure Variables and Initialization of Structures

Arrays in Structures

Arrays of Structure variables

Nested Structure

Structures and functions

Pointers with Structures

Introduction to Union

Declaring Union

Difference between Structure and Union

File Handling

Introduction to files

File Pointer

Opening a File

Closing a File

Types of files

File input, Output Operators

Command Line Arguments

Note: C Training with Linux Basics.

Key Features:

Training Type: Online Live Interactive Session.
Experienced Faculty.
1 ON 1 Sessions.
Duration 30 Hours.
Access to Class Recordings.
Weekday / Weekend Classes.


Evening Schedule:

3 Days / Week
8:30 PM – 9:30 PM EST
9:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST
9:30 PM – 10:30 PM EST
10:00 PM – 11:00 PM EST


Morning Schedule:

3 Days / Week
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM EST
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM EST



Please contact us, If you are looking for different schedule or need more information.

Phone : 1+ 734 418 2465

Email : info@learntek.org

 Inquiry Now 

USA: +1 734 418 2465 | India: +91 40 4018 1306


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