The following topics will be covered as part of DevOps Mentorship Program.
. Definition of SDLC
. Purpose of SDLC
. General Phases of SDLC
. Various Models of SDLC
. About Waterfall SDLC Model
. Waterfall SDLC Model – Advantages
. Waterfall SDLC Model – Disadvantages
. About Agile SDLC Model
. Agile SDLC Model – Advantages
. Introduction to DevOps
. History of DevOps
. What is DevOps
. Definition of DevOps
. Fundamental Principles of DevOps
. Benefits of DevOps
. After Implementation
. DevOps Roles and Responsibilities
. Continuous Integration in DevOps
AWS Cloud
. Brief History of AWS
. AWS Features
. How to Create Account in AWS
. Introduction to EC2
. Features of EC2
. EC2 Dashboard Overview
. How to create AWS AMI
. How to create a Key Pairs
. What is EBS Volumes
. Download a key pairs
. How to connect EC2 instances
. What is pem file
. What is ppk file
. What are default usernames to
Connect AMI’s
. How to Login into LINUX AMI
. How to reboot the Instance
. How to stop instance
. How to terminate instance
. Introduction to Unix/Linux
. Unix flavors
. Linux Flavors
. Why Linux?
. Advantages of Unix/Linux
. Architecture of Linux
. File system hierarchy
. cat (create & append file)
. touch (create blank file)
. nano (create & edit file)
. vi/vim (create & edit file)
. ls (list) (-a, -la)
. cd (change directory)
. pwd (print working directory)
. mkdir (create directory, multiple)
. cp (copy)
. mv (move)
. mv (rename)
. rm (remove file)
. tree (see in tree structure)
. rm -rf(remove directory & recursive)
. grep (pick & print)
. less (see output)
. head (see top 10 lines)
. tail (see last 10 lines)
. sort (display in Alphabetic/Numeric
. User creation
. Group creation
. Soft Link (shortcut)
. Hard Link (backup)
. tar (to pack)
. gz (to compress)
. yum (to install)
. wget (to download)
. File/Directory Permissions:
. chmod (permissions)
. chown (owner)
. chgrp (group)
. hostname (to see hostname)
. ifconfig (to get ip address)
. cat /etc/*rele* (to get os version)
. yum commands
. rpm commands
. service commands
. chkconfig commands
. Redirection (redirecting output)
. which (to see package installed or not)
. sudo (to get root privileges)
. whoami (to see user)
. find commands
. Source code management
. Version control system/Revision control system
. SCM tools
. Repository/Depot
. Server
. Work space/Work dir/Work tree
. Branch/Trunk/Code line
. Commit/Check-in
. Version/Version-ID/Commit-ID
. Tag
. Advantages of Git
. Git Snapshots
. Work space
. Staging area
. Buffer area
. Repository (Local/non-bare)
. Repository (Central/bare)
. Installation & configuration
. Git add
. Git commit
. Git log
. Git push
. Git status
. Git ignore
. Git branch
. Git checkout
. git merge
. Git Snapshots
. Git conflict
. Git stash
. Git reset
. Git revert
. Repository (Central/bare)
. Git remove
. Git clean
. Git tag
. Git fetch
. Git diff
. Git cherry-pick
. Git hub
. Role of Git in Real Time
. Git installation on Windows and Screen shots
. Git installation on Linux
. Git Architecture
. What is Git Repository
. Git with Local Repositories
. Git with Remote Repositories
. git config command usage
. Setup git repository using git init
. Git Making Changes
. git status color coding system
. Exercises on adding single files, multiple files commits
. Committing Changes in one go
. Git History – log and show
. View all commit logs
. View only latest commit logs
. git show command
. Comparing git project files from working area with Local Repo using git diff
. Git diff –staged
. git remote commands
. Introduction to Github
. Various vendors of Remote Repository
. Features of github
. Create Account in github
. Create Project Repository in github
. Public Repository
. Private Repository
. Create files in github
. Clone Github Repository
. Pull changes from github Repository
. Push changes to github Repository
. What is Container
. Docker features
. Docker history
. Docker usage
. Docker Architecture
. Docker Editions
. Docker system Requirements
. Docker installation and setup
. How to verify docker installation
. About Docker version
. OS-Level-Virtualization
. Layered file system
. VM Ware vs Docker
. Docker components
. Docker workflow
. Docker benefits
. Docker images
. Docker Container
. Docker file
. Docker hub/registry
. Docker daemon
. Docker Install & Configure
. Docker all commands
. Docker Volumes
. Volume (container-container)
. Volume (Host- Container)
. Port mapping
. Registry server
. Pull/push images from /to registry
. Introduction to Docker
. Why docker
. Relation between container and docker
. Why docker is so popular
. Difference between container and image
. Containers History
. How to see list images in docker
. What is Docker Registry
. How to see all docker images
. How to pull images from docker registries
. What is pulling in docker?
. Difference between Docker Pull, run, Push
. How to run docker image
. How to exit from container without killing it
. How to exit from container by killing it
. How to see all running container on docker
. How to check the history of all containers
. How to stop a container that is running
. How to find latest containers that are created
. How to get inside of already a running
. How to start a container and remove it once
task is completed
. How to delete or remove a container
. How to delete or remove image from docker
. How to attach a port of docker host to docker
. How to run a container in background
. Difference between docker container run and
docker container start
. How to specify a name to docker container
. How to see container logs
. How to see all commands related to a
. How to remove docker multiple containers
. How to check docker container metadata using
docker inspect
. How to list what ports are being used by
docker container
. How to tags docker images
. How to log into docker registries using docker
. How to logout from docker registries using
docker CLI
. How to push docker image to docker registries
. About Docker file
. How to create Dockerfile to build an image
. How to build an image from Dockerfile
. About Dockerfile Instructions
. Configuration Management tool
. Introduction To Ansible
. History
. Advantages of CM tool
. Why Ansible
. Ansible Advantages
. Ansible Architecture setup
. Install & configure Ansible
. Features Of Ansible
. Use Cases Of Ansible
. What Can Do In Production Environment
. Ansible Documentation
. How Ansible Is Different From Configuration
Management Tools
. Ansible Architecture
. Ansible Control Machine Requirements
. Ansible Installation Process
. Ansible Terminologies
. How Ansible Works
. Ansible Lab-setup
. Ansible Inventory
. Test Environment setup
. Host Patterns
. Ad-Hoc commands
. Modules
. Gathering facts
. Playbooks
. YAML Language
. Target section
. Variable section
. Task section
. Handle section
. Dry run
. Loops
. Conditionals
. Vault
. Representation Of Dictionary In Yaml
. Representation Of List In Yaml
. Group Inventory File
. Ansible Inventory Parameters
. Ansible Exercise – To Setup Inventory File And
Perform Ping Test
. Ansible Playbooks and Modules
. Ansible Playbooks
. Sample Ansible Playbook
. Ansible Playbook Format
. Ansible Modules
. Ansible Tasks
. How To Run A Playbooks
. How to check the syntax of a Playbook
. How to Run a playbook on multiple hosts
. How to Run a playbook on target hosts
. Ansible Run Command Methods
. Install Tomcat
. Install Jenkins
. Ansible Roles
. What is Build
. Purpose of Build Tools
. Build Tools Ideology
. Evolution of Build Tools
. Few Notable Build Tools
. Java Based Build Tools
. Build management
. Advantages of Build tool
. Architecture of Maven
. Maven build life-cycle
. Maven directory structure
. Maven repositories
. Pom.xml
. Multi module project(over view)
Nagios(continuous monitoring tool)
. Why monitoring tool
. Ways of monitoring
. Why Nagios so cool?
. Architecture of Nagios
. Plugins
. Config files
. Dashboard overview
. Nagios working process
. Nagios Installation
. Naagios Configuration
. Nagios Directory structure
. Introduction to Jenkins
. Why Jenkins
. Relation between Jenkins and Hudson
. History of Jenkins
. Why Jenkins is so popular
. Features of Jenkins
. Jenkins Architecture
. Jenkins Prerequisites
. Continues Integration(CI)
. Jenkins workflow
. Ways of CI
. Benefits of CI
. Why only Jenkins
. Git for Windows
. Java installation & configuration
. Maven installation & Configuration
. Jenkins installation & configuration
. Free style project
. Maven project by maven
. Maven project by Jenkins
. Jenkins Plugins
. Scheduled Projects
. Source code polling (Git)
. Related/Linked projects
. Upstream & Downstream projects
. CI-CD pipeline
. Jenkins Views
. User management
. Jenkins Slaves
. Tomcat web server
. Minimum Hardware Requirements
. Recommended Hardware Requirements
. Setup Environment Variables
. Jenkins Terminologies
. Master
. Slave or Node
. Job or Project
. Executor
. Build
. Plugin
. Jenkins Dashboard Overview
. Job Listing Section
. Setup Jenkins Server
. Jenkins Menu Section
. Jenkins Menu- Item
. Jenkins Menu-People
. Jenkins Menu-Build History
. Jenkins Menu-Manage Jenkins
. Jenkins Menu-views
. Build Queue Section
. Build Executor status Section
. Jenkins – Creating Jobs in Jenkins
. Naming a Project
. About Project Descriptions
. How to disable the build systems
. Source Code Management
. Build Triggers
. Create a Sample Project
. Understand Jenkins Job Process
. How to check Build Information
. Jenkins Build Color Code system
. Configure Jenkins Build Server
. Configure Java JDK for Jenkins Build Server
. Configure Apache Maven for Jenkins Build Server
. Configure the JAVA JDK for Build jobs in Jenkins
. Configure the Maven for Build Jobs in Jenkins
. Configure Github for Build Jobs in Jenkins
. Configure SCM-Git Plugin for Build Jobs in Jenkins
. Secure Jenkins
. Manage Jenkins Plugins
. Install Plugins
. Upgrade Plugins
. Backup plugins
. Jenkins User administration
. Create Jenkins User Accounts
. Delete Jenkins User Accounts
. How to change the Jenkins Admin Password
. Change Home Directory
. Configure – Executors, Labels, SCM Checkout
Retry Count
. Build Triggers
. Configure Poll Source Code management in Jenkins
. Configure Poll SCM Changes using Crontab in Jenkins
. Trigger Builds Remotely using URL
. Trigger Builds based on build Pipeline or other Projects
. Build triggers Periodically
. Build triggers when changes pushed to Github or SCM
. Architecture of Distributed Build
. Configure Jenkins Master Server
. Configure Jenkins Slave Server
. Configure authentication between MasterSlave
. Setup Relationship between Master and Slave
. Configure Project to build on Jenkins slave server
. Email Notifications in Jenkins
. Purpose of Email Notification
. Email Notification plugins
. CI-CD Pipeline Project
. What is kubernetes
. Features of kubernetes
. Architecture of kubernetes
. Kubernetes Master
. Kubernetes nodes
. Kubernetes components
. Kube-api server
. etcd (cluster store)
. Kube-scheduler
. Node
. Kube-proxy
. Kubelet
. pods
. Multi container pod
. Pod limitations
. Replica sets
. Deployments
. Installation of Kubernetes
Sonar eclipse installation
Sonar eclipse configuration
Recall Session,Mini Project,Assignement
Duration & Timings :
Total Hours – 100 – 120 Hours.
Training Type: Online Live Interactive Session.
Faculty: Experienced.
Access to Class Recordings.
Weekday Evening Schedule:
Start Date :Monday, December 2,2024.
Duration: 13 – 15 Weeks
Days: MON – THU (4 Days/ Week)
Time – 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM (EST)Â
 Inquiry NowÂ
USA: +1 734 418 2465 | India: +91 40 4018 1306
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