Azure Databricks



Introduction to Azure Databricks

Azure Databricks Workspace Creation

Databricks Cluster Types and Notebook Options

Databricks utilities and Notebook parameters

Databricks Integration with Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

Reading and Writing CSV files in Databricks

Reading and Writing Parquet files in Databricks

Reading JSON and AVRO files

Databricks Integration with Azure SQL Database

Databricks Integration with CosmosDB SQL API

Workflow creation and Scheduling

Workflow creation through RestAPI

Python Introduction

Python Data Types

Python Functions and Arguments

Python Modules and Packages

Python Flow Control

Python File Handling

python Exception Handling

Pandas Basics

Numpy basics

Pyspark Introduction

Spark Architecture and Internals

Spark RDD

Spark SQL

Spark SQL Intenals

Spark SQL Basics

Spark SQL Functions and UDFs

Delta table

Databricks Streaming

Delta Live table

Optimization and Performance Improvement

Databricks Integration with Git repo

Databricks Integration with Azure Data Factory

Unity Catalog

Databricks Project

Databricks Interview Question and Answers

Duration & Timings :

Duration – 60 Hours.

Training Type: Online Live Interactive Session.

Faculty: Experienced.

Access to Class Recordings.

Weekday Session – Mon – Thu 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM (EST) – 4 Weeks. March 10, 2025.

Weekend Session – Sat & Sun 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM (EST) – 5 Weeks. April 5, 2025.

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USA: +1 734 418 2465 | India: +91 40 4018 1306


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