Machine Learning is the future: Here’s everything you must know

Machine Learning

What is Machine Learning (ML)? This is arguably the most exciting times in the world of technology, owing to deeper penetration of mobile phones, Internet and newer emerging technologies. Computers have changed the world as we see it. They are faster than us when it comes to solving mathematical problems. On the other hand, the intelligent human mind cannot really process data at the speeds which a computer can. But, computers are not ‘intelligent’ as they can’t do anything themselves.

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A Brief Discussion of Selenium Grid – The Tool for Ideal Testing

selenium grid tool ideal testing

An important concept in computer programming and designing web applications is to perform effective testing that provides the information necessary to finalize the design and reduce its problems. One of the best tools for this purpose is Selenium, an excellent software testing framework. Selenium Grid is a key component of this platform. Here, we describe some of its important aspects, to help you understand its testing prowess. What is Selenium Grid? Selenium Grid is the portable server that empowers the testing

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Understanding DevOps Lifecycle Phases

DevOps Lifecycle Phases

A combination of Development and Operations, the term DevOps describes a software industry practice of combining the important functions of developing and operating software applications through unified platforms. Since this concept describes the entire lifecycle of software applications, it consists of various important phases. Here, we discuss some important DevOps Lifecycle Phases to help you understand this important software integration concept:                                      

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Artificial Intelligence – A Great Way to Improve Data Handling and Processing

Artificial Intelligence

Early machines were dumb and could only function according to a well-defined set of instructions. However, with the increasing power of the computers and processing networks, it is now possible to create and execute algorithms that can improve their functions with each iteration. This phenomenon is termed as artificial intelligence (AI), although it may be better termed as machine intelligence (MI). Defining Artificial Intelligence(AI) Artificial intelligence is difficult to define with complete clarity. A general definition may be presented as

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The 6 Top Hadoop Distributions that You Can Employ for Your Big Data Needs

top Hadoop distributions

Apache Hadoop is an excellent software framework that allows the processing of big data elements. It can use the power of commodity hardware by employing a modular system and process large sets of data. Hadoop is available in different distributions as companies often deliver it as a packaged deal. It uses the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) which allows the use of different platforms and the ability to perform parallel data processing. Here, we discuss the six top Hadoop distributions that

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