Why the DEVOPS model is here to stay

devops model

The DEVOPS model may seem like just another one of those terms which management gets enamored with every few years but it is much more than that. The DEVOPS model will probably be the main way that development is done going into the future. We are sure that not only will it be the main way to develop software but that it will bleed out into other industries as well and become the main way of designing and developing new

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How Analytics with R became powerful


It seems that developers really love to debate about the different ways to do the same things. Seriously, we love it too, but we don’t think we have seen people argue so much in any other industry. There are always people who will think one way of doing something is better than the other but rarely will this result in widespread online arguments and debates the way it does for programmers. Among many such debates, one that has heated up a

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