HBase Interview Questions and Answers

HBase Interview Questions and Answers

HBase Interview Questions and Answers 1. What is Apache HBase? HBase is a column oriented database which is used to store the sparse data sets. It is run on the top of HDFS. Apache HBase is a database that runs on a Hadoop cluster. 2.How Clients can access HBase data? Client can access HBase data through either a native Java API, or through a Thrift or REST gateway, making it accessible by any language. 3.What are the key components of Hbase?

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Why MongoDB is so important for big data


MongoDB often confuses people because they don’t understand what its purpose is. MongoDB doesn’t have a singular purpose – it is good in many instances, and yes, it is bad in some situations too, but that is just how every piece of technology is. We have different languages and databases because no one technology can be the best fit for every situation. The main thing which makes MongoDB so great, especially when it comes to big data, is its approach

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