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How Predictive Analytics Can Help Scale Companies

How Predictive Analytics Can Help Scale Companies

Imagine being able to look into the future to make better business decisions. It almost seems too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not. It’s possible thanks to predictive analytics. This is a newer technology powered by AI and machine learning that’s changing how businesses scale and grow. Want to see how? Keep reading. What is predictive analytics? Predictive analytics is like traditional analytics (Think of Google Analytics, for example) but kicked up a notch. It uses machine learning

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What is Anomaly Detection and how it Benefits Businesses

Anomaly Detection

Constantly finding optimizations, conducting tests, and making tweaks are very time-consuming. However, it’s necessary to improve conversion rates and different aspects of marketing performance. While many of us these tasks by hand or through the use of tools, there’s a better way to do it in 2020. It’s called anomaly detection. This branch of AI is saving marketers mountains of time while significantly improving campaigns. Want to learn how? Keep reading. What is anomaly detection? Anomaly detection is a branch

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Matrix Operations with Python NumPy-II

Matrix Operations with Python NumPy-2

Trace of a Matrix Calculations Trace of a Matrix is the sum of diagonal elements of the Matrix. >>> import numpy as np >>> matrix = np.array ( [ [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ], [ 10, 11, 12 ] ] ) >>> print ( ” Matrix is : \n “, matrix)  Matrix is :   [[ 4  5  6]  [ 7  8  9]  [10 11 12]] >>> print ( ” Trace of the matrix :

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Data Quality Importance in an Organization

Importance of Data Quality in an Organization

Data Quality Introduction : Data Quality : Today, the world is filled with data. It is everywhere. And, the value of any organization can be measured by the quality of its data. So, what actually is the quality of data , and why is it important? Well, it refers to the capability of a set of data to serve an intended purpose.  It is important to any organization because it provides timely and accurate information to manage accountability and services.

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How to Design the perfect eCommerce website with examples

How to Design the perfect eCommerce website with examples

How to Design the perfect eCommerce website with examples: With thousands of ecommerce website already present in the market, and new ones cropping every day, it is hard to attract people. To do that, you need quality and unique product, but how to make the customer stay on your website long enough to encourage them to buy the products? The answer is by making a unique, appealing, easy to use website. You need to blow away your audience with the

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Matrix Operations with Python NumPy-I

Matrix Operations with Python NumPy

Matrix Operations : Creation of Matrix The 2-D array in NumPy is called as Matrix. The following line of code is used to create the Matrix. >>> import numpy as np   #load the Library >>> matrix = np.array( [ [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ], [ 10, 11, 12 ] ] ) >>> print(matrix) [[ 4  5  6]  [ 7  8  9]  [10 11 12]] >>>  Matrix Operations : Describing a Matrix To describe a matrix

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Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform Introduction: The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud services hosted on Google’s infrastructure. Google Cloud Platform is a suite of public cloud computing services offered by Google. Google Cloud Platform, as the name implies, is a cloud computing platform that provides infrastructure tools and services for users to build applications and services on top of. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a portfolio of cloud computing services that grew around the initial Google App Engine

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Array with Python Numpy

Array with Python NumPy

About Numpy: NumPy is a module for Python. The name is an acronym for “Numeric Python” or “Numerical Python”. It is an extension module for Python, mostly written in C. It is a successor for two earlier computing Python libraries such as Numeric and numarray. It is the fundamental package for scientific computing. It is a general-purpose array-processing or manipulating python package. It provides a high-level performance on multidimensional array object and tools for working with these arrays. It is

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Waterfall Vs Agile

Waterfall Vs Agile

Waterfall vs Agile The basic trait of civilization is order and protocol. The chaos and non-structured attempts to build something has never resulted in a fruitful outcome in any spectrum. Software Development isn’t an exception either. Since the inception of software development, the learned people of the industry have tried to bring in protocols, process and methods to drive the process which we commonly refer to as Methodology now. All the methodologies that have surfaced during the course have a

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The Difference Between SEO and SEM

Difference Between SEO and SEM

The Difference Between SEO and SEM Most digital marketing experts think that SEO and SEM are more or less two sides of the same coin even though they entail completely different actions and address varying areas of marketing. Often, you will find that the two terms are used to denote a similar set of actions and activities which can understandably be quite confusing for people with no previous exposure and knowledge. Here, we intend to sort out what each of

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